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adultThe International Conference and Workshop Weekend „Sharing Practice in Participatory Arts“ in Vienna is part of the Erasmus+ Project “Arte para la Motivación” initiated by the Fundación Yehudi Menuhin España. It looks at participatory arts practice from the point of view of the artist. The programme includes workshops, project presentations, panel discussions and plenty of time for exchange.

Community Artists, Artists in social Contexts, Art Mediators, Teaching Artists, or Artists in Co-Creation – there are many and diverse terms to name artists that use participatory practices. All of them refer to artists who, within their practice, aim for an exchange with non-artists, either besides of, or as integral part of their artistic practice. The conference and workshop weekend „Sharing Practice in Participatory Arts“ addresses everybody who finds him/herself within this description or wants to look about in these directions prospectively. Sharing Practice in Participatory Arts also addresses teachers, pedagogues, social workers, and others who are interested in participatory art forms.

Sharing Practice means: workshops, project presentations, panel discussions, and plenty of time for exchange. Twenty artists – working in schools, community arts organisations or as mediators – from all over Europe and beyond, are coming to Vienna to give insights into their work, to exchange ideas, and to give hands-on practical advice.

On this weekend everybody is invited to look beyond his/her own artistic discipline. The workshop facilitators come from the artistic fields of music, photography, visual arts, theatre, dance, and multi media. Beyond the exchange between disciplines, a change of perspectives from workshop facilitator to participant will help to overcome old concepts, think anew and find oneself in a new position.Youth

The conference is organized by Stand 129 and Tanz die Toleranz, two state-of-the-art cultural institutions for participation in the arts in Vienna run by Caritas Wien. The opening speech will be held by the Community Dance pioneer (and founder of the Tanz die Toleranz) Royston Maldoom.

„Sharing Practice in Participatory Arts“, Saturday 2017/02/25 to Sunday 2017/02/26 at Brotfabrik Wien. Absberggasse 27, 1100 Vienna. More information and registration: